Fashion & Upclycling

    No harm and no farm: How a British biotech company grows leather in a lab

    For titans of the luxury business with coveted products but a troubled clientele, it may be time to call on Dr Che Connon, a London-based scientist who has pioneered a fabric that guarantees no harm to animals. Dr Connon is out to convince the industry that products made from lab-grown leather will appeal to affluent younger […]

    Feeling world-weary? Here are five reasons to be optimistic about the future

    As climate change wreaks havoc, plastic pollution blights oceans and biodiversity losses pile up, it is all too easy to fear for the future. But amid the gloomy forecasts there is hope on the horizon as society bands together to successfully tackle issues that once plagued the planet. From acid rain to precipitous declines in whale populations, progress has […]

    UAE to ban single-use plastic from 2024

    The UAE will impose a nationwide ban on single-use plastic from next year, the government has said. From January 1, 2024, plastic bags of any material or composition will be prohibited. From January 1, 2026, it will be prohibited to import plastic cutlery, drinks cups, styrofoam and boxes. The ban will include everything from “food […]

    Abu Dhabi reduces number of single-use plastic bags by 90%

    Abu Dhabi: Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi’s Single-Use Plastic Policy has offset the use of 87 million single-use plastic bags since its launch on 1 June 2022, reducing the use of single-use plastic bags by more than 90 per cent, support efforts to enhance sustainability in the emirate. The agency reports a significant reduction in […]

    How to beat plastic pollution before it destroys us

    Dubai Can initiative and levy on single-use plastic bags will help reduce our dependence Plastic is so cheap and durable that it’s used to manufacture almost everything. Look around you, and you will find that plastic has become an integral part of our lives. What makes plastic dangerous is that it’s not easily degradable. That’s why it’s […]

    How is fashion getting greener, and why is it important?

    The best indicator of human pain is fashion. War, protests, or economic crises will all be reflected in the way we live and look. Like cement, this phenomenon connects the way of life and thinking, culture, economics, art and politics. Now our awakening self-awareness is being broadcast live on all possible surfaces. For the last […]

    Seven beauty trends that will dominate 2022

    The beauty industry underwent unexpected, but welcoming changes as transparency is now reshaping its brand-consumer relationship. With savvy consumers beginning to embrace brands that value sustainability, authenticity, and utility; we weigh in trends that will gracefully reign 2022. Let’s get to know more thanks to Ganapathy, group product manager from Dabur International. *** More power […]

    Flea markets: the Finnish experienc

    A wide variety of Finnish flea markets are collectively referred to as Kirpputori. It is by no means possible to call them localized places where people come to buy something or sell their goods. Kirputoria can be either small shops or grow to entire markets, often occupying entire squares. Let’s get to know more thanks […]

    Why 2022’s biggest sustainability trend is going to be vegan luxury

    2022 is going to be a big year for sustainability, and leading the trend is the shift to vegan luxury, says  Jill Ettinger on Plant Based News. Let’s check her opinion. *** It doesn’t feel like all that long ago that bringing your own tote bags to the supermarket seemed like a revolutionary response to […]

    Impacts of fast fashion on the environment

    The fashion industry, especially since the rise of fast fashion, is among the most damaging industries for the environment, responsible for 10% of global carbon emissions and 20% of global wastewater. Let’s read the article by based on a review article by Niinimaki et al. (2020), published in Nature in April 2020.    Some […]