Fashion & Upclycling

    How to eat “garbage,” take a shower quickly, wash less often: the latest eco-trends on the consumer market

    Human society produces rubbish. Rivers carry between 1.15 and 2.41 million tons of plastic each year, and the average European produces 31 kg of plastic waste per year. You can start sorting waste, but you can’t make a new one out of a plastic bottle all the time: the plastic recycling cycle is finite. Let’s […]

    Sustainable fashion is not a trend; it’s a necessity, says e-commerce platform chief

    For many, sustainable fashion is an interest or trend. For the founders of the global sustainable e-commerce platform Plain Tiger, it’s a necessity, Arab News states. In the middle of the night, Oliver Baillie woke up in his new home in South Africa to find strange men in his house. He began thrashing, worried it […]

    Are clothes made from recycled materials really more sustainable?

    A growing number of brands are switching to recycled fibers but experts worry people may believe their purchases are impact-free – when that’s far from true. We’ve found for you an explanation by The Guardian what is wright and what is wrong in this sphere. Woven into your clothes is a material that takes on […]

    What is an eco-friendly fabric: a material guide

    The theme of sustainability is among the top of designers’ talks. Many people would like to switch to organic fabrics. What eco-friendly tissues are there? Many people have heard of hemp, but besides it, there is already an incredible amount of completely biodegradable materials. We’ve found for you WWD material guide. Next-gen materials are receiving […]

    Should we stop buying new clothes? Five rules of eco-friendly wardrobe

    “Fashion forms dumps very quickly”: It is really fashionable to be in eco-trend now. Such giants of the fashion industry as H&M, Adidas, Levi’s, Marks & Spencer, Nike have long been using recycling in the production of new collections, world-famous actors, athletes, models, and politicians are increasingly choosing clothing from recycled materials, and startups are […]

    Kuwait authorities distributed 1 million eco-friendly bags to coops for better health, environment

    The Environment Public Authority (EPA) of Kuwait announced on October 19 the start of a campaign to distribute one million environmentally friendly bags to cooperative societies in the country’s six governorates. The move is part of a campaign to raise public awareness about environment protection and minimize the use of harmful plastic bags, said director […]

    Why do we have to give up fur and leather clothes, and what are the alternatives

    Ethical consumption is the result of consciousness. Usually, people don’t care what they wear is made from. But workers’ rights must be respected in production, and that production does not harm the environment and animals. Let’s read Anastasia Pokropivna, representative of the “Fur-free retail” campaign of the NGO “Open Cages,” an explanation of what ethical […]

    The time for sustainable fashion has come. How to dress eco-friendly?

    At first glance, the innocent fashion industry is one of the main polluters of the environment. Clothing production is responsible for 10% of all CO2 emissions per year. It ranks 2nd in the world in the use of freshwater, while responsible for 20% of all industrial water pollution. In addition, the fashion industry harms not […]

    Ten practical things your plastic bottle has become

    Every minute, as much plastic waste as one garbage truck gets into the ocean. There are 170 million tons of plastic waste floating in the world’s oceans, and by 2050 their weight will exceed the total weight of fish. One of the solutions of the plastic problem is sustainable development: this is when companies turn […]

    In scope: fast fashion, the environment, and climate change

    Since Adam and Eve bit the apple, we’ve been burdened with the need for clothing whenever we walk outside. More than a necessity, it’s become a means of expression, a statement, and the vehicle of many trends. However, overconsumption has led to the rise of fast fashion, a wasteful and polluting system that our environment […]