Waste management

Waste management system – the experience of Switzerland

The waste management system in Switzerland works like a Swiss watch – smoothly and reliably. Citizens politely sort waste and hand it over for recycling, and what cannot be recycled goes to safe incineration. However, this was not always the case. According to the NGO Waste Management Center, back in the 80s of the 20th […]

Circular economy best bet to tackle solid waste menace in Kenya

When driving or walking in major towns in Kenya, there are places where pollution levels are extreme. In Nairobi’s large slums of Kibera, Mathare and Dandora, for example, residents dump their waste on the roadside, and it is solid waste that cannot go unnoticed. Huge piles of rubbish being burnt or dumped indiscriminately accumulate over […]

Kuwait starts to recycle massive tire graveyard

More than 42 million old vehicle tyres dumped in Kuwait’s sands have started to be recycled, as the country tackles a waste problem that created one of the world’s largest tyre graveyards, GD online reports. The massive dumpsite was a mere 7 km (4 miles) from a residential suburb where residents were bothered by periodic […]

Oman and the European Union start virtual workshops on ending plastic pollution

Oman considers littering on the beaches as a severe matter as this is one of the significant causes of damage to the marine environment. After a brief realization period caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, people are back with a bang in polluting the environment, the air and the sea and making life miserable to other […]

The live events industry in the UK will be completely zero waste by 2030

The UK live music industry launched the Beyond Zero Declaration campaign during A Greener Festival’s Green Events and Innovations Conference yesterday. The new campaign is fronted by LIVE Green, the sustainability arm of the UK’s live music Industry Venues and Entertainment alliance. All 13 association members of LIVE endorsed the Beyond Zero Declaration, a voluntary […]

Oman unveils projects worth $7.2bln for investment

Oman’s Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion (MoCIIP) have outlined as many as 90 investment opportunities distributed across eight key sectors – Tourism, Logistics & Food, Fishing, Health, ICT, Mining & Industry, Waste Management, and Education – with an aggregate investment potential estimated in excess of RO 2.8 billion, Oman Observer reports. A sizable […]

Environmental awareness campaign helps green initiatives take root in Bahrain

Lessons learned during a month-long environmental awareness campaign, organized by the Rotary Club of Salmaniya (RCS), will continue to encourage citizens and residents to tackle the plague of plastic pollution, GD Online reports. The event has already paid dividends by encouraging people to continue with concrete steps towards environmental sustainability by using reusable water bottles […]

The world’s first-ever “plastic fishing” tournament was held in Mexico

In the Mexican city of Mazatlan, the world’s first “plastic fishing” tournament was held: its participants had to catch as much plastic waste from the ocean as possible. The competition was organized by the beer producer Corona and the creative agency We Believers. The tournament lasted one day, 80 fishermen took part in it. The […]

Worms and bacteria against plastic: can science save the Earth from debris

In the late 2010s, it became clear that plastic pollution is not just a horror story from the speeches of eco-activists: this problem affects everyone. The number of landfills and incinerators is growing, and microparticles of slowly decaying plastic, meanwhile, penetrate everywhere: scientists have already found them in the Arctic ice, at the bottom of […]

A toxic legacy: remediating pollution in Iraq

As the so-called Islamic State lost control over the areas it once occupied, it left behind a toxic legacy. The initial findings of a scoping mission undertaken by UN Environment Programme’s Conflict and Disasters branch found a trail of localized pollution that could have acute and chronic consequences for Iraq – and not just for […]