Art & Fun

Greta Thunberg and a year to change the world – new BBC documentary

Many disputes took place in 2019 over the person of Greta Thunberg. Some considered her an artificially created PR project, others discussed her illness, and the third declared her a symbol of modern eco-activism. But this young girl tirelessly continues to give interviews and write on the blog, and finally, she became the character of […]

The post-nuclear worlds: Eight movies about nuclear energy

What’s wrong with nuclear energy? Proponents of this industry say that “the atom will save the world” and all of us from the climate crisis. Meanwhile, environmental activists say the opposite. Let’s start the investigation of how nuclear energy is represented in art and mass culture. We’re thankful to Ecoaction NGO for a brilliant review. […]

10 movies that explain what climate change is and what to do with it

Scientists are expressing the alarm. Young people go on strike. Countries around the world have signed a climate agreement to join forces to tackle the climate problem, and some have even begun to declare a state of emergency. Everyone is concerned about global climate change and the deepening of its negative effects, which are already […]

A computer game to develop sustainable development acknowledgement

Introducing LinCity-NG – a computer game to strengthen sustainable development skills. LinCity-NG is a game that simulates the life of a real city. This is an improved version of the classic Lincity game. In the game you have to establish and maintain a city. You can win the game either by creating a sustainable economy […]

District 9: Alien as a mirror of the human being

On February 26, 2021, a South African-Canadian film director, Neill Blomkamp revealed on his official Twitter that development of “10 District” was moving ahead on a script for a sequel, with Sharlto Copley and Terri Tatchell co-writing the screenplay with him. His first work, “District 9”, was named one of the top 10 independent films […]

“Avatar”: An old fairy tale in a new world

A moment later I emerged entirely from the cloud bank, but though I searched in all directions, I saw nothing but foliage, above, around, below me, yet I could see far down into that abyss of leaves. In the soft light I could not determine the color of the foliage, but I was sure that […]

Top 4 fiction books on mutations, bioethics and environmental crisis

Do you want to be impressed by environmental issues? But eco-activists can be distrustful and lectures by scientists can be boring. It doesn’t matter, thankfully to Knife we’ve collected four of the best novels inspired by environmental issues: from fantastic mutations and novels about bioethics to semi-documentary studies of fifteen hundred pages and manifestos of […]

Flying Colours – a book on butterflies promotes environmental education in Qatar

Qatar is getting more green cover thanks to the aggressive plantation drive initiated by the authorities ahead of the 2022 World Cup. With the green cover increasing a lot of birds and butterflies have moved in to make the parks and sports stadiums their new home. A number of butterflies can be spotted in the […]

Madrid’s mayor inaugurates the world’s first 100% recyclable Museum

This is real eco-art! A museum designed to show the vital role that plastics play in our lives, as well as the possibilities that their reuse and recycling offer us was established in Spain. It was open to the public from May 8th to 16th with free access. On May 17th, World Recycling Day, it […]

Modern-day traveling philosophers

2021 made clear for world-class filmmakers that social themes are at their peak. The consequences of the pandemic and the rethinking of cinema language are visible in the prestigious Golden Globe and Oscars. In the second year of the coronavirus march around the world, prizes were received not by blockbusters, but by acute social manifestos. […]