Tag: natural disasters

    Bloomberg identifies natural disasters among the top 10 risks to the global economy in 2022

    Most economists expect the global economy to grow in 2022, but their forecasts may be wrong, according to a Bloomberg report released on December 13. Below there are the most significant economic risks for 2022. “Most forecasters expect a confident recovery of the economy, lower prices, the departure of governments from the emergency monetary policy,” […]

    Float or sink? Survival lessons from countries that may soon go under water
    23 Jun 2021

    Fires, droughts, hurricanes – in each country the effects of climate change are manifested differently. For example, in August, 2020, California’s Death Valley recorded the highest temperature on the planet for the entire observation period -54.4 ℃. Greece was recently hit by a cyclone (which is not typical of the Mediterranean in general), which flooded […]