Tag: disaster

Floods block food from reaching thousands of refugees in Colombia
05 Aug 2021

Flooding and landslides have left thousands of refugees cut off from food supplies in Ituango, the conflict-strewn municipality in north-western Colombia, The Guardian reports. Roads have been blocked by mud and debris after heavy rains, while helicopters cannot land. As a result, thod and medical supplies delivery has been stymied, and communications cut off. More […]

Landmines, wind, scorpions: Firefighters battle hazards to extinguish the flames
03 Aug 2021

The buzz of leaf blowers fills the air as a group of volunteers fights to contain and extinguish a fire burning in the Zagros Mountains. Others use branches to beat back the flames. No one is wearing protective clothing, and they leap back when the wind picks up, sending the flames racing through tinder-dry grasses […]

The Middle East fights wildfires: Turkey and Lebanon fight blazes as deaths reported
02 Aug 2021

At least four people have died as soaring summer heat sparks off wildfires across the Middle East. Wildfires have wreaked havoc across Turkey and Lebanon as record summer temperatures continue to batter the region, Middle East Eye reports. At least three people are known to have died in Turkey due to fires in the country’s […]

Arabica prices skyrocketed due to abnormal frosts and drought in Brazil
02 Aug 2021

Soon a cup of coffee will become a luxury: arabica has skyrocketed in price, to a maximum from the 2014 year, Forbes states. In Brazil this year, there were two cataclysms at once: first abnormal frosts, then abnormal drought. The plantations have been hit hard, and the world’s coffee has dwindled. Coffee shops have already […]

Wildfires sweep Turkey’s southern coast: four people dead
01 Aug 2021

More than 70 wildfires have broken out this week in provinces on Turkey’s Aegean and Mediterranean coasts and inland areas, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, adding that 14 were still burning, Gulf-Times reports. The death toll from wildfires on Turkey’s southern coast has risen to four, and firefighters were battling blazes for a third day […]

Extreme weather takes climate change models “off the scale”
01 Aug 2021

Fires, floods, heatwaves, and droughts. The deadly weather that has unfolded in the summer, 2021 has left climate scientists “shocked” and concerned that extreme events are arriving even faster than models predicted, The Finance Info states. In southern Oregon, a fire over an area 25 times the size of Manhattan has raged for weeks, aided […]

In the Philippines, children continued to play in the computer club, waist-deep in water. Looks symbolic
29 Jul 2021

Take a look at what happens when human game addiction is stronger than the desire to survive in this harsh world. These young gamers were photographed in one of the computer clubs in the Philippines during the strongest typhoon. Despite the risk of electric shock, these boys initially refused to leave the Internet cafe, Metro […]

Global supply chains buckle as COVID-19 variants and disasters strike

A new worldwide wave of COVID-19; natural disasters in China and Germany; a cyberattack targeting key South African ports. All those events have conspired to drive global supply chains towards breaking point. According to companies, economists, and shipping specialists, Reuters states they’re threatening the fragile flow of raw materials, parts, and consumer goods. The Delta […]

Floods in Europe: death toll rises to 170 in Germany and Belgium disaster
19 Jul 2021

In mid-July, downpours of historic intensity occurred in several regions of Western Europe, causing many rivers to overflow their banks. Particularly affected are areas in western Germany in the lands of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate. According to German meteorologists, a monthly rainfall fell per night in some areas, and such rains have not been seen […]

More than a tenth of humanity is starving. Why this happens and what to do about it

On July 12, the United Nations released a report recording a sharp increase in world hunger in 2020. Approximately 811 million people were malnourished in 2020. This is about a tenth of the world’s population. At the UN, it is linked to the coronavirus pandemic. This report is the first serious study with a global […]