Tag: climate

UK ambassador to Saudi Arabia praises Saudi commitment to protecting Red Sea environment
05 Jun 2021

Britain’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia has shared his admiration of the work the Kingdom’s government is doing to protect and preserve the environment, Arab News reports. Speaking from the Red Sea coastal town of Umluj, which boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in the country, Neil Crompton praised Saudi authorities for their commitment to […]

The EU and Japan have agreed to form a “green” alliance
03 Jun 2021

The European Union and Japan will create a “green” alliance to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, European commission reports. Such agreements were reached by the countries during the EU-Japan bilateral summit. “Today we have reached a new milestone: the green alliance between the EU and Japan,” said European Council President Charles Michel on Thursday at […]

Due to climate change, half of the people on the planet will have allergies

From 10 to 30% of the world’s population suffers from hay fever – an allergy to flowering plants. For allergy sufferers, the sneezing season can last from spring to mid-autumn – and it’s gradually getting longer. Let’s check why morbidity is progressing and how people’s health is related to the problem of climate change. This […]

Why the UAE should hold Cop28

On his opening trip to Asia as the Biden administration’s special presidential envoy for climate, John Kerry’s first stop was Abu Dhabi, where he attended the Regional Climate Dialogue in April. “It was not your usual diplomatic visit,” WAM and The National said, adding that rather than being confined to reception rooms, Kerry was given […]

The most high-profile lawsuits on climate change. Part I
28 May 2021

Let’s continue our review that we started in the previous article. Thanks to Eco Action NGO volunteers for their brilliant work. Case 4: Julian v. The US Federal Government The United States is the largest producer and consumer of oil and natural gas, has one of the largest parks of coal-fired power plants and is […]

The most high-profile lawsuits on climate change
27 May 2021

Going to court to protect human rights is becoming an important tool in the fight against climate change. Courtrooms around the world have become one of the front lines for those seeking to limit the scale of the climate crisis. The main reason for the lawsuits is the inaction or too weak policy of most […]

Two European cinematic perspectives on the lives of African peasants

There are two notable films on environmental and social issues in Africa, ‘Thank you for the rain’ and ‘Makala’. Let’s consider each of them separately. Makala is a movie at the intersection of the social and the landscape-contemplative topics. An hour and a half of screen time takes us to the Democratic Republic of the […]

UK helps Oman in providing sustainable developing plans

Plans for Oman’s economic growth going hand-in-hand with environmental sustainability have been drawn up between the Sultanate and the United Kingdom. As the part of the UK-Gulf Marine Environment Partnership (UK-GMEP), they will be carried out by the Environment Authority, and the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS). This is the UK government’s […]

UN Secretary General has announced that the world is approaching climate disaster
15 May 2021

Earth’s temperature in 2020 reached a record high in 3 million years. Current commitments by countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are not enough to prevent a climate disaster, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres states. He said: “Last year was yet another unprecedented period of extreme weather and climate disasters. Carbon dioxide concentrations again rose […]

Qatar fights against climate change with expanded fish farming
15 May 2021

Qatari initiatives to expand fish farming in Gulf waters can prevent the depletion of resources caused by the impact of climate change, Doha News reports. Depletion of fishery stocks has prompted Qatar to expand fish farming efforts in offshore Gulf waters. At the same time the demand for fresh produce in local markets grows. Research […]