Author's column

    Should we, humanity, keep dolphins in “cans”?

    Dolphinariums and zoos – what should we do with them in near future? Animal protection and conservation organizations have been asking themselves this question for decades. Let’s try to make it clear on the example of dolphins. Dolphins are wild animals that are accustomed to living in the open sea, hunting for live fish (in […]

    FAQ: Steppes must be preserved wherever possible so that natural ecosystems do not emit carbon

    Adapting to climate change and combating climate change is a matter of nature conservation. But there is a UN framework convention on biodiversity, and there is a separate climate convention. Therefore, it is often believed that climate change and ecosystem services are significantly different. (What are ecosystem services, we explained here and here). In fact, […]

    FAQ. What is forest biodiversity?

    In previous article, we explained why some forests are not actually forests. We have already focused in previous articles on what ecosystem services are. And why we should preserve wildlife as it is. Now let’s talk about forest biodiversity. Biodiversity is the diversity of life in a particular area or on the planet as a […]

    What’s more valuable – forest ecosystem services or economic growth?

    Let’s continue our investigation of what ecosystem services are that we started in previous articles. I thank UNCG NGO for the excellent explanation of the topic. Forest biodiversity is somehow strangely linked to human well-being, money, and climate change. At first glance this connection really strange. Why so? These are certain benefits that humanity receives […]

    We use nature for free. How tourist can thank the wildlife for the experience?

    We’ve already got to know what is ecological footprint and why we should pay nature for its ecosystem services. Let’s continue our exploration of modern eco-friendly lifestyles with acknowledgment of what sustainable tourism is. I am thankful to the head of the Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group NGO, zoologist Oleksiy Vasyliuk for the useful explanations of […]

    The ecological footprint of tourists: how to take care of nature

    The ecological footprint is a broad concept. This is a measure of human’s need for the planet’s ecosystems. It is an indicator that measures the “amount of nature” we use and compares it to how much “nature” actually has. I strongly thankful to the head of the Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group NGO, zoologist Oleksiy Vasyliuk […]

    Why some forests on the map are not actually forests

    The introduction of ecosystem services directly depends on forest biodiversity. That is, from how natural they are. We have already focused in previous articles on what ecosystem services are. And why we should preserve wildlife as it is. Now let’s talk about what’s happening to the world’s forests and forest biodiversity. I thank a lot […]

    Ecosystem services: why should we pay for the nature conservation

    In a previous article, we talked about what ecosystem services are and why this concept, first presented in the 2005 document, now has an impact on the legislation of entire countries. To understand the topic better, I continue to refer to the explanations of zoologist Oleksiy Vasyliuk, the head of the Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group […]

    Ecosystem services: in what way parks and forests save your money

    Ecosystem services are the many and varied benefits to humans provided by the natural environment and from healthy ecosystems. Such ecosystems include, for example, agroecosystems, forest ecosystems, grassland ecosystems and aquatic ecosystems. These ecosystems, functioning in healthy relationships, offer such things like natural pollination of crops, clean air, extreme weather mitigation, and human mental and […]

    District 9: Alien as a mirror of the human being

    On February 26, 2021, a South African-Canadian film director, Neill Blomkamp revealed on his official Twitter that development of “10 District” was moving ahead on a script for a sequel, with Sharlto Copley and Terri Tatchell co-writing the screenplay with him. His first work, “District 9”, was named one of the top 10 independent films […]