10 steps to combat climate change

    12 Jun 2021

    Every day, we consume natural and energy resources that directly or indirectly cause greenhouse gas emissions, and therefore global warming and climate change.

    We drive cars that burn fossil fuels; we consume coal and nuclear electricity; we deprive wildlife of their homes; we wear clothes made from oil and dirty energy sources on the other side of the world; we constantly buy something and then throw it in landfills, where dangerous greenhouse gas, methane, is formed; we communicate little about the effects of climate change that we are already feeling today.

    While humanity stands in the way of switching to clean energy sources, let’s check what tips Ecoaction NGO offers to contribute to the fight against climate change. Everyone can start changes!

    1. Save energy and natural resources, and money too

    Replace the lighting in the room with energy efficient – LED bulbs.

    Turn off lights and appliances that are not in use.

    Take a shower instead of a bath and install aerators on the water faucet.

    2. Make your movements ‘Green’

    Travel to a short distances on foot or by bike.

    Prefer public transport to get around the city.

    Travel less by plane if there are alternatives (train or bus).

    Use car sharing services (so-called “car-sharing”) and share the car with colleagues on the way to and from work

    To save fuel and for your safety, drive the car smoothly and slowly, and keep the pressure in the wheels at the level recommended by the manufacturer.

    If you decide to buy a new car, consider buying an electric or hybrid car.

    3. Reduce, reuse and recycle waste

    The best way to reduce waste is not to produce it. Any product requires a lot of energy: for its manufacture, transportation and sale. By consuming less, you help the environment and keep money in your wallet.

    Be creative: find new ways to use old things.

    Dispose of all possible waste.

    Compost organic waste.

    4. Eat organic products

    Eat organic and seasonal locally sourced products.

    Do not throw away food.

    Try to eat less meat, milk, cheese and eggs, as intensive agro-industrial livestock is destructive to the environment. Prefer plant-based alternatives

    Reduce your consumption of palm oil products, as tropical forests are being cut down to produce them.

    5. Buy products and things with a low carbon footprint

    Prefer locally produced goods to reduce energy costs for transportation.

    Buy products in a minimal wrapper, use reusable bags instead of plastic bags, carry a reusable cup for tea or coffee.

    Buy products made of environmentally friendly materials with a minimal negative impact on the environment (for example, wood products with international FSC certification)

    Buy reusable items instead of new ones: online or in specialty stores.

    Choose products of companies and firms that use renewable energy for production and have announced a transition to 100% RES.

    6. Make a choice in favor of durability and environmental protection

    Buy new high-efficiency household appliances.

    For everyday life, give preference to those areas where it is easy to get to work, study, shopping by public transport or on foot.

    7. Consume your own “green” energy

    Install your own solar panels or windmill to generate electricity.

    Purchase or make your own solar collector to heat water.

    Install an energy-efficient biofuel boiler to produce heat in your private home. Make sure that the pellets or other solid fuel you use are of proven origin and quality (e.g. comply with DINplus international certification).

    8. Take care of natural ecosystems

    Plant trees.

    Support initiatives to preserve green areas and water bodies in your city.

    Take care of the environment, save natural ecosystems (forests, seas, swamps), because they absorb and retain carbon dioxide.

    Support the activities of natural and regional landscape parks and reserves: participate in their preservation, development and creation of new objects of the nature reserve fund as volunteers or support financially; visit nature parks during your holidays and share your positive experiences with friends.

    Use phosphate-free detergents.

    9. Encourage officials to act for the climate (of course, it depends on the political system of your country)

    Become a climate activist and demand measures to prevent climate change, including the transition to clean renewable energy.

    10. Connect with others

    Organize a Neighbor’s Day at home or on your street: get acquainted, exchange things and eco-tips

    Collect secondary raw materials and waste for processing together with neighbors or at work, install a composter for organic waste in the yard.

    Plant trees with friends initiate the creation of new parks.

    Together with neighbors or acquaintances, organize into an energy cooperative and produce your own “green” energy.

    Install a bicycle parking lot near your home or school.


    We can all influence global processes such as climate change.

    You should start with everyday things and your habits. And gradually, with time and acquired practice, we’ll be able to follow a more ecological lifestyle that will help nature to recover, and help us to live in a more comfortable, healthy and modern environment.

    Share your observations and feelings about climate change with relatives and friends: how have sudden changes in temperature, heat, floods and other related phenomena affected you? What can be done to reduce the impact of these changes?

    It is also very important to involve children: to tell them about the importance of protecting the environment and the planet in general and to give specific examples of how this can be done every day, to listen to their thoughts and ideas, to encourage active action.

    If we work together, with the whole family and the community, the positive effect will be the strongest.

    Be prepared for the negative effects of climate change to become more pronounced. If you live near or are planning to move to coastal areas, consider the possibility of rising sea levels due to climate change.

    Encourage your friends and relatives to learn about 10 steps to combat climate change!

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