“Refuse” as one of the principles of eco-living

22 May 2021

For some people it can be difficult to say “no” to non-sustainable propositions.

It’s hard to ignore autumn discounts and not buy 5 jeans or sweaters (difficult, but possible).

It’s difficult to give away things that have accumulated over the years, because they are so “native” for you.

This time we’ll not write about why we should say “no”. We’ll write why “no” is useful. And thanks to O-Zero for advises.

Saving of time

Avoiding unnecessary newspapers, business cards, disposable packaging, unnecessary clothes and things makes the space cleaner. This in turn means that less needs to be cleaned, washed, washed and sorted.

Improving health

Non-natural cosmetics and cleaning products, synthetic fabrics in clothes and food made of plastic utensils are all health hazards. “No” in this case will rid the body of harmful effects of toxins and chemicals.

Critical thinking

Question: “Why do we buy this product?” or “Why do we need it?” opens the eyes of many. With a simple “No” begins a great journey to understand marketing and how we’ve bought many things we didn’t need.

Impact on producers

Refusal to buy goods in disposable packaging is a signal for the manufacturer to change. Every time our “No” expresses a clear position – we need sustainable and responsible production.

Reducing the impact on climate change

A simple “No” saves the prices of our planet’s resources and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

So not only say “No” but search for eligible alternatives. They exist. We’ll check in in the following articles. And we hope that some readers of this post will join the “sustainable” producers.

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