November 20 is Family Volunteer Day. How and why to volunteer as a family?

23 Nov 2021

November 20, 2021, is Family Volunteer Day, a global day of service that empowers families to work together to support their communities. Now more than ever, as we experience a global pandemic, and have a renewed focus on social justice and environmental challenges, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved and advance causes your family cares about.

We’ve found a few of the extraordinary things that happen when families choose to volunteer together (thanks to Times of Oman):

  1. Children learn your family’s values. It’s always important to talk to children about what values your family holds. But one of the best ways to reinforce these conversations is to demonstrate your values in action. Volunteering shows your kids that you’re dedicated, as a family, to promoting, supporting, or furthering a specific issue – and that you’re willing to walk the walk, not just talk the talk.
  2. You spend quality time together. Volunteering is a way to bring together family members of all ages – parents, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and more – around a common mission.
  3. It builds empathy. Learning emotional intelligence is a crucial part of child development, and civic engagement can accelerate this process. When volunteering, you’ll interact with those who share commonalities, like passion about an issue, and those who may be different from you, like people from communities outside your own. Understanding where people are coming from and hearing about their lived experiences helps children flex their empathy muscles now and later in life.
  4. You become lifelong learners. If kids always associate learning with school, they may see their educational journey come to an end when they graduate. Instead, show them that the world is full of learning opportunities. Through volunteering, they’ll interact with new people from various walks of life, adopt new skills needed for the task at hand and discover how they can make an impact through their time, talent and efforts.
  5. You develop important skills. Everyone can gain valuable skills through volunteering. There are the hard skills often needed for volunteer roles, like carpentry, computer programming, translation, and other services, and the soft skills that come with volunteer positions, like social and communication skills.


Do you want to know ten habits for you that will benefit the planet now? Check them here!

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