More than half a million liters of oil fell into the ocean off the coast of California

10 Oct 2021

A large-scale oil spill occurred off the coast of Southern California. Because of this, local authorities declared an environmental disaster, Reuters reports.

It is known that on the territory of 33.7 square km, there was a leak of more than 572 thousand liters of oil.

The local authorities call the Amplify Energy Corporation oil pipe break a preliminary cause of the spill, where it was reported that the pipeline was blocked and the rest of the oil was pumped out. Divers are currently trying to determine the cause.

In turn, the US Coast Guard announced the beginning of an investigation into the incident in which several agencies will be involved.

Meanwhile, the city of Huntington Beach claims a “significant environmental impact” of the spill.

According to them, dead birds and fish are taken out of the ocean on the beach, so residents are asked to avoid beaches and wetlands.


You may read about the Emirati and Israeli oil deal and risks to the environment here.