Let’s talk about plastic

24 May 2021

Invisible plastic is a significant part of the millions of tons of plastic that end up in landfills and oceans every year.

Therefore, nowadays we should constantly ask ourselves the question “is there plastic in this?”.


Cigarette filters are one of the most common types of waste in the world. During the cleaning of beaches and green areas, cigarette butts make up from 20 to 40% of garbage.

In appearance, the filters contain white cotton, but in fact it’s a form of plastic called cellulose acetate.

Cellulose acetate fibers are thinner than thread and a single filter can consist of more than 12,000 such fibers.

Beverage cans

Metal cans contain a layer of plastic resin inside, usually epoxy, which is applied to prevent corrosion of aluminum.

This is an important part of the design and without it the Coca-Cola can would corrode in 3 days.

An alternative is a healthy drink in a steel, glass, ceramic or bamboo cup (of course, without a disposable tube).

Tea packages

Most tea bags contain polypropylene plastic sealant to hold the bags together. This means that they never completely decompose in nature.

You’ll make no mistake if you choose leaf tea. It’s the best alternative to tea bags. ⠀

Personal hygiene goods

Most personal care products and kitchen cleaners traditionally contain tiny pieces of plastic that get into the water system and, as a result, our food chain after use.

There are many environmentally friendly alternatives to these products – from mustard powder, soda and vinegar to modern organic products in environmentally friendly packaging. ⠀


About a tenth of the 13 tons of plastic that gets into the ocean each year are small fibers of clothing.

Millions of small pieces of plastic get into the water system each time you wash. According to research, some polyester fleeces can “lose” up to 2.2 million microfibers during each wash.

Microfibers of nylon, acrylic, spandex and polyester find their way to rivers, seas and oceans in incredible numbers every day.

These fibers attract dangerous chemicals and marine creatures can eat them.

The solution of the problem is not to buy synthetic clothes and, if possible, choose quality durable products from natural fabrics.

Disposable glasses

Even “seemingly innocent” “paper” glasses contain a layer of plastic inside to prevent leakage.

We call such glasses “paper”.

And due to the fact that paper and plastic are tightly attached to each other, their processing is very difficult.

The simplest alternative is to drink in establishments instead of taking beverages with you. Or you can buy reusable cups for hot drinks made of glass, steel or bamboo.

Chewing gum

The main ingredient in most chewing gums is a “rubber base”. This is a substance that doesn’t decompose in nature. It’s made of synthetic polymers or plastics and a number of chemicals. This gives the product the right softness and texture.

Every year, the world consumes about 100,000 tons of chewing gum, which is harmful to our health and into nature.

For those who can’t give up chewing gum, alternatives with ecological bases have recently appeared. For example, a completely biodegradable gum based on the sap of the sapodilla tree that grows in Central America.

Let’s check are the invisible plastic in what you use?

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