Italian pavilion at “Expo-2020” constructed from boat cases, plastic bottles, and coffee grounds

16 Oct 2021

Let’s get to know about the Italian pavilion at “Expo-2020” which resembles the very idea of recycling. The building has no walls in their traditional sense. This function is performed by marine ropes made of recycled plastic, which were used for 2 million bottles. The pavilion paths are sprinkled with crumbs made from coffee grounds and orange peelsб +1 reports.

Expo 2020 in Dubai unveiled an eco-friendly pavilion to symbolize sustainable building practices. The design is based on three boat hulls, which can be used later, when the building is dismantled.

Pavilion area 3.5 thousand sq. m, the function of walls in it is performed by a network of hanging nautical ropes. They are made from recycled plastic – the equivalent of roughly 2 million bottles. There is no air conditioning system traditional for the Emirates: due to the absence of walls, it is replaced by natural air flows.

Inside the building, 160 species of living plants and algae purify the air; the paths cover is made of coffee grounds and orange peels.

New Atlas states that the pavilion will be open until the end of March next year, and it is planned to host meetings and conferences on sustainable development.


You’ll find gorgeous flora and fauna all over Expo 2020 Dubai, with lots of pavilions inspired by nature. Check their list here.

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