Greta Thunberg and a year to change the world – new BBC documentary

10 Jul 2021

Many disputes took place in 2019 over the person of Greta Thunberg. Some considered her an artificially created PR project, others discussed her illness, and the third declared her a symbol of modern eco-activism. But this young girl tirelessly continues to give interviews and write on the blog, and finally, she became the character of the documentary.

While the world has thrown all its energy into the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, it may seem that the problem of climate change has faded into the background. But temperature records and natural disasters in various parts of the planet remind us that this is not the case.

In 2019, Greta Thunberg, the world’s most famous climate activist, left school for a year to see the impact of global warming with the world’s leading climatologists and other scientists. In a new three-part BBC movie, she talks about whether the technology at our disposal can help us save our future and will also try to urge world leaders to fulfill the agreements already reached.

The documentary is available for viewing only in Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

You may read about another ten movies that explain what climate change is and what to do with it here.

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