As countries meet to agree a landmark plastics treaty, is recycling or producing less the answer?

01 Dec 2024

Even if 50 per cent more plastic was recycled there would still be a pollution problem, a French minister said this week.

In Busan, South Korea countries are trying to negotiate a landmark treaty to reduce plastic pollution.

It is now entering the final stretch of talks before the treaty becomes legally binding – two years after the decision was first made to address the problem.

But there are still several sticking points when it comes to the best way to tackle plastic pollution and this is hampering progress on an agreement. One of the most contentious is whether there should be a limit on how much plastic companies can produce.

Plastic recycling: Where do the divisions lie?

On one side there are countries and groups, including the EU, which believe introducing measures to cut plastic production should be an essential part of an ambitious treaty.

On the other are oil and plastic-producing countries and companies that believe the pollution problem starts with waste. Those like Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Russia say waste management should be the answer and have voiced opposition to a cap on plastic production.

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