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    Should we, humanity, keep dolphins in “cans”?

    Dolphinariums and zoos – what should we do with them in near future? Animal protection and conservation organizations have been asking themselves this question for decades. Let’s try to make it clear on the example of dolphins. Dolphins are wild animals that are accustomed to living in the open sea, hunting for live fish (in […]

    Arabian leopard found in Dhofar Governorate in Oman

    Conservation efforts of Arabian leopard yield progress in southern Oman. The Office for Conservation of Environment (OCE) at the Diwan of Royal Court conducted field surveys that documented the presence of Arabian leopard in Dhofar Governorate. A statement issued online by Oman News Agency, (ONA), said: “Field surveys carried out by the Office for Conservation […]

    Artificial meat and whole egg alternative: a new startups

    Israeli startup Future Meat Technologies has opened the world’s first industrial meat growing company in Rehovot, “Israel Khayyom” newspaper reports. The plant plans to produce 500 kilograms of artificial meat a day, which will be enough to cook 5,000 burgers. The plant can now produce cultured chicken, pork, and lamb without the use of animal […]

    Consumers of the Western countries are taking sustainability more seriously

    The trend towards purchasing products in sustainable packaging will intensify as consumers around the world increasingly think about environmental and sustainability issues. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced consumers to reconsider their attitude towards sustainable development and reflect on the environmental, social, and business impact of shopping (ESG). Despite the significant impact of coronavirus infection on […]

    European nature, cheap services. Why Arab tourists rush to Ukraine
    28 Jun 2021

    The sudden development of tourism from Saudi Arabia to Ukraine is a strange consequence of the post-pandemic era. This Eastern European country, which left the Soviet Union 30 years ago, attracts Arab tourists with cheap prices, no visas, and incredible European nature. Climate change has also added arguments in favor of the Slavic country – […]

    FAQ: Steppes must be preserved wherever possible so that natural ecosystems do not emit carbon

    Adapting to climate change and combating climate change is a matter of nature conservation. But there is a UN framework convention on biodiversity, and there is a separate climate convention. Therefore, it is often believed that climate change and ecosystem services are significantly different. (What are ecosystem services, we explained here and here). In fact, […]

    ‘War in the woods’. Hundreds of anti-logging protesters arrested in Canada

    Police in western Canada have arrested more than 270 people as a conflict over old-growth logging in British Columbia’s ancient rainforests continues to grow, The Guadian reports. At the protest blockades in the remote woodland, hundreds of activists have been chaining themselves to giant tripods made from the trunks of felled trees, suspending themselves in […]

    27 Jun 2021

    Despite concerted efforts to move away from oil and gas resources as the mainstay of their economies, Oman and its peers in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) will continue to remain dependent on hydrocarbons over the foreseeable future, according to a key report by Moody’s Investor Service. Moody’s warned in its report that Gulf states’ […]

    Opinion: “Green energy” revolution may stop
    27 Jun 2021

    While the economy is slowly recovering, the world is plagued by scarcity and price surges that have affected everything from the supply of Taiwanese chips to the cost of a French breakfast. Supply issues deserve particular attention, such as scarce metals and limited land resources, which threaten to slow the explosive development of clean energy […]

    ‘Grand fantasy project.’ Turks fear impact of Erdoğan’s $65bn Istanbul canal

    There isn’t usually a lot going on at the Sazlıdere dam north-west of Istanbul, one of several reservoirs providing the megacity with fresh water. Yet this week the calm expanse of forest, farms, and marshland was at the center of the latest battle of narratives in Turkish politics. On June, 26, President Recep Tayip Erdoğan […]