UAE weather: temperatures to ease slightly during Eid Al Fitr break

    02 May 2022

    Residents across the UAE will enjoy a slight drop in temperatures on the last day of Ramadan and throughout the week of Eid Al Fitr.

    The weather will be fair to partly cloudy on Sunday with dust blowing during the daytime over some internal areas.

    Temperatures will reach lows of 23°C in Dubai and Abu Dhabi later in the evenings, with highs of between 32°C to 35°C during the hottest parts of the day in both emirates.

    Winds will be light to moderate, but sea conditions will be moderate to rough as gusts reaching 40 kilometres per hour in the coastal regions continue to blow from the north and east.

    Humidity will rise overnight on Sunday to 90 per cent and remain until early on Monday morning, before easing off.

    A look ahead to the rest of the week

    Monday – There will be a slight increase in the temperature in Dubai on Sunday, with highs of 36°C and lows of 23°C expected.

    Humidity will hit 70 per cent during the early morning and early evening hours and light winds mean it will be a clear, sunny day.

    In Abu Dhabi, temperatures will reach 40°C during the hottest part of the day and will drop to 25°C by the evening.

    Tuesday – The weather is expected to cool off a little on Tuesday, especially over the coastal areas in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

    Temperatures will remain in the mid-30s reaching highs of 35°C in both emirates, but light to moderate winds will make the air feel a little cooler.

    The weather in Dubai and Abu Dhabi will be fair in general and dusty at times over some internal areas.

    Winds will reach speeds of 15 – 25kph in internal areas, and 40kph along the coast.

    Wednesday – The slightly cooler weather will continue on Wednesday, with temperatures reaching 35°C in Dubai and 34°C in Abu Dhabi during the hottest part of the day.

    Humidity will sit at about 70 per cent during the morning and early evening hours, dropping to just 25 per cent during the day.

    The weather will be mostly sunny throughout the day but clouds will form giving residents some rest bite from the warm weather.

    Thursday – Towards the end of the week, the mercury will slowly creep up, hitting highs of 38°C in Dubai and 36°C in Abu Dhabi.

    With that, the humidity will also creep up to 85 per cent during some parts of the day.

    The weather will be mostly sunny with some clouds and there will be light to moderate winds moving in from the north and south blowing dust during the daytime.


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